Standing Up For Conservative Values
Kevin will always fight to defend and protect our conservative principles. With many unique business opportunities, Kevin could have moved his family nearly anywhere in the country but he...
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Healthcare Reform
Kevin supports repealing Obamacare, and favors replacing it with a health care reform that lowers costs and improves services for patients. He believes that health care decisions should be...
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Shake Up Washington
When it comes to reforming the way Washington works, Congress must lead by example. Kevin Hern is a proven leader in business. His company provides funding and management advice...
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The Obama Administration ignored the rule of law, failed to secure the border, and allowed illegal immigrants to cross into the United States undeterred. As a result, American families...
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Second Amendment
Kevin prides himself on maintaining and fighting to maintain fundamental freedoms of the American citizen, which includes gun rights. Kevin believes in the Second Amendment, that every American has...
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Economy and Jobs
Kevin has seen the American Dream fulfilled through hard work in his own life. As a business owner and job creator, who persevered through unknown and difficult times, Kevin...
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